Ahhhh. The Elf on the Shelf. I remember being young (mid to late 20s) and dreaming up all the things my future family’s scout elf would do. But then I got old (mid 30s) and Y’ALL, this elf business is a full-time job on top of working a full-time job and being a full-time mombie. After cleaning up after my kids all day, the last thing I want to do is clean up after some elves. If you feel me, here are some cute ideas for less mess (affiliate links included):
- 1. Welcome Home – New to the Elf on the Shelf tradition? Get your read on! What better way to start the Christmas season than with a welcoming board book? Every night before bed, we read a holiday book. Most are recycled from our overflowing collection. That’s teacher life!
- 2. Two is Better Than One – Maybe we’re crazy, but we added a second scout elf to the family. Introducing JINGLE! He helps JOY in all her scout elf shenanigans. The more, the merrier, right?
- 3. Do you hear what I hear? Give your scout elf some headphones and crank up the Christmas music.
- 4. Dollhouse furniture – Sharing is caring! Reuse and repurpose some dollhouse furniture for props. Have a tea party with Barbie. Drive off in a Tonka truck. Whatever works!
- 5. Christmas pictures – Holiday pictures are a Christmas card tradition for us. Get your kids dressed and on their best behavior with these snazzy elf skirts.

- 6. Gingerbread Elf – Costume changes were our saving grace this year! Minimal effort for a big effect. Outfits sold separately and range in price.
- 7. Candy Cane Lane – Peppermint sticks from ol’ Saint Nick! Naturally, JOY tried going incognito.
- 8. Oh Christmas Tree – Again, costumes are life. Worth the $10-15 or whatever I spent. JOY came dressed to trim the tree.
- 9. Gone Fishing – Freeze Swedish fish candy in ice cubes and set out for your elf. Too much work? We bought this set because again, I’m tired and know the struggle.
- 10. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s… SUPER ELF! Hang your elf from a light fixture with dental floss or fishing string. The outfit helps, too.

- 11. Elf on the Rocks – Trap your scout elf under a bar glass. This also gives kids the ability to carry their elves around since they aren’t technically touching.
- 12. Chilling with my Gnomies – Scout elves love to make friends! Find them mixed in with your seasonal decor or kid’s toybox.
- 13. Do you want to build a snowman? Grab some powdered munchkins, powdered donuts, or heck, even some toilet rolls and construct a frosty friend that won’t melt away!
- 14. Tic-Tac-Bow – Some washi tape and gift bows will do the trick! JOY and JINGLE played one another. Mother and child played with some festive mini erasers.
- 15. At the Movies – Use a shower caddy to hold your elf and some snacky snacks for the kids as you watch movies in your jammies. PRO TIP: There’s two Elf Pet movies on Netflix: Santa’s Reindeer Rescue and Fox Cub’s Christmas Tale. Speaking of Elf Pets…

- 16. Furry Friends – We added CLICK CLACK the reindeer to our arsenal this year! He came with matching PJs and a new board book to read.
- 17. Dear Santa – Send Christmas notes with your elf to the North Pole with this letter writing kit.
- 18. Christmas Jammies – Once CLICK CLACK and JINGLE had matching PJs, the kids were naturally next! While we didn’t match our elves (they have special PJs sent specifically by Santa from the North Pole), we did find matching sets for the family.
- 19. Face mask hammocks – Because it’s 2020 and we have masks everywhere! Put a medical mask to good use as a resting place for elves.
- 20. Baking Brown Es – Those scout elves sure are silly! Leave this next to a batch of the real deal or your kid might throw a fit. You’ve been warned.

- 21. A Wrapper’s Delight – Whip out the brown paper packages tied up with string. Your scout elves live for this kind of thing!
- 22. But first, let me take a “s-elfie” – Change the lockscreens on all family devices to elfie selfies… this was a big hit here!
- 23. Morning Message – Whiteboard/dry erase markers are easy on and easy off for some mirror magic.
- 24. Elf van Gogh – Have your elf draw a self-portrait and encourage your kiddo to do the same!
- 25. Suitcase Sendoff – On Christmas Eve, it’s time to pack those bags and head up north! What’s in the suitcase? I’m sure your kids will have a better idea than all the clothes you purchased this year for JOY and JINGLE and now CLICK CLACK!