Hello, September! Definitely one to remember as this back to school season looks sooo different this year. Can I just say: educators, you are my heroes! From the bottom of my humble heart, thank you for all you do. The world went from celebrating you in March to scrutinizing your every move this fall. And yet, you persist. Still, you carry on. With a smile on your face and a whole lot of grace, I want you to know I see you and appreciate you showing up every day to make this world a better place.
To show my appreciation, Iโve come together with a team of teacher sellers to offer literally hundreds of our bestselling items at $1.00 apiece! Simply search #herodeals on TpT to find tons of quality products for this back to this school season and beyond. Sale prices are valid Sunday and Monday, September 6-7, 2020.

My 5x Boom ๐ฅ Deck is perfect for students in grades 3-5 solidifying their skip counting accuracy and multiplication fact fluency. Because Boom cards are digital and self-checking, this product is a FANTASTIC option for distance learning.
My interactive notebook activities for decimal operations are most appropriate for grades 5-6, emphasizing pictorial representations and place value models as concrete strategies before introducing the standard algorithm.
Both resources are $1 each and can be purchased either on TpT or my site shop! I really can’t say it enough: thank you–I see you, I support you, I am you, and I believe in us!
BUT WAIT, THEREโS MORE! Make sure you’re signed up for my emails; I love showering the L3TP community with freebies, store coupons, and much more. I’d hate for you to miss out! Confirm your subscription (be sure to check your spam) and get instant access to our password-protected resource page of member exclusives.