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How to Set Up Your Bulletin Boards With Ease

July 17, 2022 3 min read
Bulletin Board Tips and Tricks

One of my favorite things as a first-year teacher was getting to set up my classroom and all that bulletin board space. Bulletin boards were my jam. I couldn’t wait to set them up! But then the perfectionist in me would spend way too long setting up for pretty instead of plans. As the years passed and I got older (read: more tired), I learned some pretty helpful hacks that I will now share with you! If you’re headed back to school and setting up classroom spaces, these tried and true bulletin board teacher tips are sure to come in handy.

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Hack #1 – Choose a neutral backdrop for the whole year.

Let’s talk bulletin board backgrounds. Sure, it’s cute to change out the colors for different holidays, but honestly, who has time for all of that?! Not to mention that huge butcher paper roll is a beast to manage yourself! I was constantly struggling because, again, the perfectionist in me was always worried about ripping the paper or wrinkling it. The solution? A semi-permanent, durable backdrop!

Better than Paper, fabric, or even flat bed sheets are all great backdrop options because they do not rip easily or fade in color, making them a durable yearlong solution. Choose a neutral color that will go with everything. I like a solid black background that I spice up occasionally with my bulletin board borders.

Hack #2 – Add personality and dimension with your borders.

When it comes to borders, I like to keep things simple. A single-layer, scalloped border is sufficient for me… though I did start getting wild and doubling up borders to create a layered look. Another option is to get fabric and scrunch it for a 3-dimensional text textured look… I’m far too OCD for this, but it comes out really cute!

Hack #3 – Work smarter, not harder.

To make changing out student work easier, I have used string and clothespins in the past. Explore more hanging options here. Now that I’m a little less broke and a little more bougie, numbered clipboards allow kids to change out their displayed work and I’m here for it! It’s one less thing I have to do.

Hack #4 – Use tape to hang things straight and center.

Titles on bulletin boards can be tricky. You have to take into account the spacing of words and placement of your letters. Eyeballing it often leads to sloping sentences and off-center elements. I have a solution, though!

Take your bulletin board letters and line them up along the straight edge of a desk or yardstick. Use masking tape or painter’s tape and run a strip over the letters, leaving some extra tape on either side of the letters. Take the strip of letters now attached to the tape and secure it to your bulletin board. Voila! Do this with each word in your phrase, readjusting as necessary before stapling each letter in place. Once your letters have all been secured, you can carefully remove the tape and admire your wonderful work.

ACTIONABLE STEPS: Create a stress-free bulletin board display! What bulletin board tips and tricks would you add to the list? Let your fellow teachers know in the comments below.

Bulletin Board Tips and Tricks
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Crystal Mencia

Life, Love, & Lesson Plans with the Teaching Principal

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Hello, I'm Crystal! I have been a New Jersey educator for over a decade. Over the course of my career, I have had the opportunity to work in an array of settings, in multiple classrooms, in many subject areas, and with a variety of students. While I hold an administrator's certificate, I find myself called to serve hands-on in the classroom and designing curriculum. On a more personal note, I am passionate about my faith, family, and fitness! Welcome to my little piece of the internet. Read More

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