Can you believe next week we’re already halfway through February? Seriously. Where does the time go?! This Valentine’s Day, try one of these activities with young mathematicians. All of the recommended resources have been tested, tried, and absolutely adored by my own students. I’m sure your classes will love them, too!
Themed Boom Decks
These love-themed Boom decks are literally NO PREP, NO FUSS! Students go NUTS with these picture reveals. As students correctly solve and search for their answer in the provided grid, the response blocks slowly disappear to reveal a Valentine scene below. Boom cards are digital interactive task cards that give immediate feedback to students. What’s not to love?! They are perfect for small group work, center activities, intervention periods, and early finishers.
- 4NBT5 & 5NBT5 Multiplication Reveal a Picture Boom Cardsโข BUNDLE
- 6NS7 Ordering of Rational Numbers Boom Cardsโข
- 6RP3 Valentine Ratio Tables and Graphs Boom Cardsโข
More Boom decks can be found in my store here on the blog or on TpT.
Color by Code Mystery Pictures

Teaching face-to-face? Maybe you’re virtual but would like to give students asynchronous work off screen. Whatever the case, color by code activity pages are a student favorite year after year! Each set focuses on a specific math standard (see topics below). A full-color answer key and four unique student pages are included with each download.
- Counting Objects 1-20 Color by Code BUNDLE
- 2G1 Recognizing Shapes by Side Color by Code Valentine Pictures
Click here for more color by code activities, both holiday and general themes.
Task Cards and Google Formsโข
Don’t get so lost in the curriculum you lose your classes in the process! As a self-proclaimed nerd, it’s hard for me to admit that math is not a priority for everyone. Some of my middle schoolers are busy caring for younger siblings during remote instruction while their parents are out at work. Some are more into literature and the arts than numbers. All of them are dealing with the loss of the carefree childhood that we once knew prior to COVID-19. My heart truly breaks for today’s kids!
I’m all about putting people before policies. Checking in with my students through a private, between-you-and-me survey helps me see at a glance which kids are struggling and may need a little extra TLC. The thematic emojis help students identify which emotional zone they are in while an optional open-ended question is also included for sharing details.

Social-emotional demands aren’t the only change around here. Task cards that were once used to encourage movement in math have now been sitting on a shelf collecting dust for the last year. I have since digitized them through self-correcting Google Forms and Boom decks. If you prefer paper, my task cards are still self-checking thanks to nifty little QR codes! Learners will love solving and scanning for the answer key, freeing you up to walk around the room, work with a small group, monitor progress, etc.
- Spring Seasonal Daily Student Check Ins for Google Formsโข
- 5NBT6 Whole Number Division Digital Quiz for Google Formsโข
- 1OA8 Find the Unknown Number: Add&Subtract to 20 *QR* Task Cards
ACTIONABLE STEPS: Well, that about does it for this Valentine resource roundup! Which was your favorite? What would you like to see later this spring? Let me know in the comments below or send an email. I’d love to hear from you and create new, exciting resources with your individual students’ needs in mind!