Late last month, I talked about Math Joke Monday and how it got me through remote teaching during a pandemic. Math is my jam, but for a lot of students, it’s hell on earth. My philosophy is you can’t teach them if you don’t reach them! I choose to value relationships over everything. These math jokes certainly help ease the tension.
Without further adieu…
Algebra Jokes
- What do baby parabolas drink? Quadratic formula!
- What is a bird’s favorite math? Owl-gebra.
- What shape is usually waiting for you in a Starbucks? A line.
- What do you call dudes who love math? Alge-bros!
- Why do plants hate math so much? It gives them square roots!
- What does the little mermaid wear? An algae-bra.

- Why do atheists have trouble with exponents? Because they donโt believe in higher powers.
- What do you call a boiling tea kettle on top of Mt. Everest? A high pot in use! (hypotenuse)
- What is the integral of l/cabin? A log cabin. No, a houseboat, you forgot the C.
- Why couldn’t the angle get a loan? His parents wouldn’t cosine!
- Why does algebra make you a better dancer? Because you can use an algo-rhythm!

- Why is math said to be a codependent? It relies on others to solve its problems.
- Dear Algebra: stop trying to find your x. They’re never coming back! Don’t ask y.
- Why should you never talk to Pi? Because they’ll go on and on and on forever.
- What do you get when you drink root beer in a square glass? Beer!
- I’ll do algebra, I’ll even do trig, but graphing is where I draw the line!
- Why was algebra so easy for the Romans? Because X was always 10.
ACTIONABLE STEPS: Laugh with your students! Pick a pun or two to share as you build community in your classes. Got your own jokes? Share below! You can also sign up for a math joke of the week to hit your inbox for a whole year here.