Happy New Year! After a long 2020 and an even longer 2021, I am thrilled to have made it here to 2022. As I briefly look back on the last decade of my teaching career, I look ahead and think how on earth will I keep up? If I’m being completely transparent, teaching was not my first-choice profession. In fact, if I’m being totally honest, it was my safe job. It was a job I saw my mother manage while tending to three kids and a husband. But that’s a story for a different day. Moving onward and forward!
Teaching is hard work. It’s heart work. It is a rollercoaster of emotions. Most days, you have to laugh to keep from crying. And so Math Joke Mondays and Funny Fridays were born in my classes. Giggles can really lighten the mood and brighten the vibe in your schools. At first, I started telling jokes to my students to build community, but over time, these puns offered so much more than comedic relief in our stressful days.
My best jokes have actually deepened my student’s understanding of the curriculum. These punny stories and silly sayings have sparked genuine math conversation, helped students remember key concepts for solving different problems, and lightened the mood during tough times! Here are a few fraction funnies for your favorite mathematicians:

ACTIONABLE STEPS: Start a Math Joke Monday or Funny Friday bulletin board display in your school! For more joke lists, check out my earlier blog posts listed below:
- Algebra Jokes – 17 jokes
- Operation and Number Sense Jokes – 22 jokes
- Geometry Jokes – 27 jokes
- More Math Teacher Jokes – 22 jokes