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How to Choose a Book for Bible Study

August 8, 2021 2 min read
choosing a book of the Bible

So you’re ready to dive into God’s Word? Great! Where will you start? What will you read? When it comes to choosing a book of the Bible or a topic for study, consider the following:

Length of Time

How long do you have to complete the study? If you’re studying on your own, you may have no limitations (though I do suggest putting time limits on your studies to keep things moving). More often than not, we participate in group Bible studies and must take into account the schedules of others. A study on the entire Bible is not a practical undertaking if you plan to meet, for example, once a week for 3 months. Set realistic goals and expectations. Be sure that the people involved in your Bible study will have adequate time to work through the selected scripture at a deeper level than a mere glance over.

Hourglass, Time, Hours, Clock, Amount Of Time, Glass
Making time for the Lord is an investment. Plan accordingly.

Level of Study

Where are the people in your Bible study? Are they new to Christianity? Are they seasoned believers and readers of the Word? You have to meet folx where they are. People that are new to the Bible would benefit most from a study focused on the Gospels or a narrative-style book. Pick a book that highlights redemption. You’ll also have to consider the depth and breadth of your study. Look at a shorter piece of scripture to dig deeper. Choose a longer book to get the bigger picture.

Go as shallow or as deep as you’d like. There is no right or wrong answer here!

Seasons of Life

Where are your people at in life? Does your study correspond with a particular season on the church calendar? Specific Bible studies may be better suited for certain times of the year or life events (i.e. grief/loss, marriage, parenthood). During the Lenten season, for instance, our church does a series on fasting. Doing a study on Daniel and fasting together would be a nice tie in.

What are you experiencing in this current season of life?

Lesson Guide – Curriculum

Do you want to use a scripted curriculum? It is important to use a guide that is trustworthy and focused on who God truly is. My personal favorites come from Daily Grace Company. They have many studies you can choose from to help facilitate your group through Godโ€™s word. They run several sales throughout the year. I seriously can’t get enough!

Books, Study, Literature, Learn, Stack, Bible, Paper
Bible study lesson guides can help focus your time in the Word.

ACTIONABLE STEPS: Use the 4 Ls above when choosing your next book of the Bible for study! Decide what you will read, when you will read it, and for how long you will read it. For tips and tricks to improve your Bible study time, read up on the SOAP method and helpful supplies.

choosing a book of the Bible
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Crystal Mencia

Life, Love, & Lesson Plans with the Teaching Principal

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Hello, I'm Crystal! I have been a New Jersey educator for over a decade. Over the course of my career, I have had the opportunity to work in an array of settings, in multiple classrooms, in many subject areas, and with a variety of students. While I hold an administrator's certificate, I find myself called to serve hands-on in the classroom and designing curriculum. On a more personal note, I am passionate about my faith, family, and fitness! Welcome to my little piece of the internet. Read More

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