Starting Bible study and unsure of how to best proceed? I got you! One of the most mentally soothing and spiritually caring exercises I have committed to in the last decade of my life is daily devotions. Spending time in the Lord’s Word gives me a supernatural peace despite the chaos of this world and my most crazed days. If you’re looking to establish a routine and get started with your own Bible study, here are several tips and things that have worked well for me:

Timing is everything. Consistency is key.
If you’re serious about spending time in the Lord’s Word, you’ll need to be serious in setting aside some time to do so. I like to do my readings first thing in the morning for several reasons. For starters, I am literally putting the Lord first. Having scripture or a devotional fill my thoughts so early in the morning sets the day’s intentions and gives me purpose in going about my business.
Mornings are also much quieter for me, both in physical environment and mental capacity. I can usually get a solid 30 to 60 minutes of uninterrupted Bible study before anyone else wakes up in our house and demands my attention.
TIP #1: Set an alarm on your phone to read scripture. Schedule it like an appointment in your digital calendar or paper planner if you’re that kind of person. Pick a date and time to be in the presence of the Lord and stick to it!
Prepare a physical space for the Lord.
I find I do my best studying in our home office/book nook. There, I have an oversized comfy recliner that I can kick back and read from the Bible in comfort. There is a table nearby to rest my morning beverage of choice. On the bookshelves, there are baskets containing note pads and office supplies I may need for journaling.
TIP #2: Decide where you’ll meet with God. Out on the porch? At the kitchen table? In your home office? Wherever you decide, make sure it is a quiet and relaxing place for you, free of distraction.
Gather your supplies.
In a separate post, I describe and link for you all of my absolute favorite must-haves for starting Bible study. Do not just use any ol’ whatever you have lying around the house like regular highlighters. I speak from experience. Classic rookie move! Did you know gel highlighters are made for the super thin, delicate pages of most Bibles and don’t bleed through? I also use erasable color pens for identifying different topics or themes that come up in the text.
TIP#3: Keep a basket or cup of writing materials specific in your designated study space. Depending on the type of Bible you are using, you may be able to take a decent amount of notes within the margins… but you might also need an entirely separate notepad. Speaking of Bibles:
Find a Bible you actually enjoy reading.
When I first started this faith journey, I knew I wanted a creative Bible, one that already had images and hand-lettered scripture verses in the margins for you to color and meditate on while reading. I initially picked up this one, not realizing it was the King James Version. KJV is a pretty intense read, especially when you’re not accustomed to that Old English writing style.
I found that Bible study was taking a lot longer than I anticipated and moreover, I was getting frustrated. No one should be getting frustrated with God! My faith time was not very productive mainly because I spent a good chunk of my time trying to decipher the text as opposed to the actual message. Once I found an NLT version, I had a much easier time reading and spent more of my devotional time reflecting on passages.
TIP#4: Find a Bible version easy enough for you to read so your focus can be on understanding and reflection.
Be intentional with your study.
Prior to settling into my comfy chair, I pray. I pray the Lord would bless me with truth and help me unpack His Word in a way that glorifies Him. I pray that whatever emotions and convictions he stirs within my heart would then be used in my day to day interactions with other people, bringing them closer to Christ. With that, my study time follows a routine structure: opening prayer, reading of scripture, taking note of what stands out to me, reflecting on a 21st-century application, and finally, a closing prayer. I talked about the SOAP method in greater detail back in April.
TIP#5: Establish a routine for your study time. Will you read and then reflect afterward or note and notice as you read? It may help to create an agenda for your time with God.
If you don’t have all the things and systems in place, that’s okay! Grace wins. God is after your heart. He just wants you to start.

ACTIONABLE STEPS: Start your own journey with scripture study! What tips and tricks would you offer up to someone starting Bible study? What questions do you still have about Bible study?