Happy December! Baby, it’s cold outside. โ๏ธ I’m not complaining, though! I actually prefer sweater weather… and all the season’s celebrations! Whether you do Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, or engage in other festivities, I’m listing below some of my most meaningful upper elementary winter math activities.
Themed Boom Decks
These winter-themed Boom decks are literally NO PREP, NO FUSS! Choose from snowcapped evergreens, gingerbread cookies, and snowflakes. Appropriate for upper elementary and middle school, students will work with decimals, fractions, and ratios. (Primary teachers, I got you, too! Enjoy activities such as place value, counting forward to 120, and adding within 20.) Boom cards are digital interactive task cards that give immediate feedback to students. Perfect for small group work, center activities, intervention periods, and early finishers.
- 5NBT3a Decimals in Standard Form
- 5NBT3a Decimals in Expanded Form
- 5NBT3a Decimals in Word Form
- 6RP3 Ratio Tables and Graphs
More Boom decks can be found in my store here on the blog or on TpT.
Color by Code Mystery Pictures

Holiday pictures aren’t just for primary learners. Big kids love coloring, too! These mystery picture activity pages are a student favorite in my upper elementary classroom! Each color-by-code set focuses on a specific math standard (see topics below). A full-color answer key and four unique student pages are included with each download.
- Counting 11 to 20 Color by Code Christmas
- Multidigit Multiplication Color by Code New Year
- 4 digit by 1 digit Division Color by Code New Year
Click here for more color by code activities, both holiday and general themes.
Google Formsโข & Digi/Print Bundles

2020 was an odd year… not mathematically speaking, but in every other sense of the word. We were teaching face to face… until we went remote in the spring. Then we were remote… until we went hybrid in the fall. Wherever you fall on the “teaching during a worldwide pandemic” spectrum, know that I have both digital and printable options for you!
Task cards are incredibly versatile in this unpredictable environment. I have digitized them by way of self-correcting Google Forms and Boom decks. If you prefer paper, my task cards are still self-checking thanks to nifty little QR codes! This season, work smarter, NOT harder:
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Addition NO Regrouping Google Form
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Addition NO Regrouping Print & Digital
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Subtraction NO Regrouping Google Form
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Subtraction NO Regrouping Print & Digital
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Addition With Regrouping Google Form*
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Addition With Regrouping Print & Digital*
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Subtraction With Regrouping Google Form
- 4NBT4 Multidigit Subtraction With Regrouping Print & Digital
- 5NBT4 Rounding Decimals (to Any Place) Google Form
- 5NBT4 Rounding Decimals to Any Place Value Print & Digital
12 Days of Giveaways: New Year, New Freebies!
COMING SOON: Join the L3TP community and get notified of BRAND NEW winter wonders! All of our Teaching Principal team have been working behind the scenes on goodies for all the good girls and boys. I’ve got 12 days of giveaways in store for my email list later this month… and that’s the tip of the iceberg, friends! Details to follow after December 15th so be sure to sign up before then.
Can’t wait for ready-to-use resources? Don’t worry; you’ll get instant access to my fall freebies and password-protected Content Library once you’ve confirmed your subscription. See you inside!
ACTIONABLE STEPS: Well, that about does it for this resource roundup! Which was your favorite? What would you like to see this spring? Let me know in the comments below or send an email. I’d love to hear from you and create new, exciting resources with your needs in mind!