After sharing some of my favorite math puns for teachers going back to school and algebra classes, I got requests from elementary teachers for their students. I got you, friends! These silly math jokes are perfect for younger kids looking for laughs.
Without further adieu…
Mathematical Operation Jokes
- What do you call a hen that counts her own eggs? A mathema-chicken.
- What tool is best suited for math? Multi-pliers.
- Which snakes are best at sums? Adders!
- What sea creature can add really fast? An octo-plus!
- Why did the math students do multiplication problems on the floor? The teacher told them not to use tables.
- How do you solve any equation? Multiply both sides by zero! Problem solved.

- Why was the equal sign so humble? Because she knew she wasnโt greater than or less than anyone else.
- The minus sign was talking to the positive sign. The minus sign asked, โAre you sure I make a difference?โ and the other sign said โIโm positive!โ
- Did you hear about the mathematician whoโs afraid of negative numbers? Heโll stop at nothing to avoid them.
- Which tables do you not have to learn? Dinner tables!
Number Sense Jokes
- What are 10 things you can always count on? Your fingers, silly!
- Why was 69 so scared of 70? Because they once had a fight and 71 (70 won).
- Why do teens always travel in groups of 3 or 5? Because they can’t even!
- Why should you never argue with a decimal? Because decimals always have a point.
- How many apples can you put in an empty box? One. After one, the box is no longer empty!

- Which month has 28 days? All of them.
- Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9!
- Why didn’t 4 ask out 5? 4 was two squared. (too scared)
- Why did 7 eat 9? Because you’re supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day!
- What did 0 say to 8? Nice belt!
- Why didn’t the two 4s feel like dinner? They already 8!
- Why didn’t the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel? Because it had more cents.
ACTIONABLE STEPS: Start Math Joke Monday or Funny Friday in class. Your kids will love it! Got your own silly math jokes? Share below! You can also sign up for a math joke of the week to hit your inbox for a whole year here.